Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Streamline your business with our Platform-as-a-Service

Looking to level-up your platform capabilities? Welcome to our Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution, where innovation meets efficiency. Our PaaS offering empowers businesses like yours to elevate your digital infrastructure, scale effortlessly, and stay ahead of the competition.

With our PaaS solution, you can say goodbye to the headaches of managing complex infrastructure and focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional experiences to your customers. Whether you're a startup striving for rapid growth or an established enterprise aiming to optimize your operations, our PaaS solution provides the flexibility and scalability you need to succeed in today's dynamic market.

Say hello to seamless integration, rapid deployment, and unparalleled performance. Our PaaS platform is designed to streamline your development process, reduce time-to-market, and drive innovation across your organization. From application hosting to database management, we've got you covered every step of the way.

What is Anaplan?

In today's fast-paced business landscape, organisations need to be agile, data-driven, and able to make informed decisions quickly. Anaplan is a cloud-based platform that combines advanced modelling capabilities, real-time data integration, and intelligent forecasting. This enables organisations to plan, analyse, and optimise their operations across various functional areas.

Challenges Addressed by Anaplan

  • Siloed Processes

  • Static and Outdated Data

  • Scalability and flexibility

  • Scenario Planning & Forecasting


Siloed Processes

Traditional planning methods often involve disconnected spreadsheets and disparate systems, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and a lack of visibility across the organisation.

Anaplan is a functionality-rich, connected planning platform that seamlessly connects cross-functional teams within an organisation, promoting streamlined and accelerated decision-making processes that are crucial for the agility and competitive edge of a business.

How we can help?

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Embrace the transformative power of Anaplan with BrainboxBI. Leveraging over a decade of Anaplan expertise and best practices, we architect solutions that are built to last and enhance value realisation across your business. Our expertise ensures your business harnesses Anaplan's full potential, turning challenges into strategic opportunities.

Simplifying Complexity

Anaplan's extensive modelling capabilities unlock limitless possibilities. Our consultants specialise in crafting Anaplan solutions that prioritise user-friendliness, ensuring that even the most complex models integrate seamlessly into your business.

Project Governance

The success of Anaplan implementation hinges on robust governance. Our consultants follow the Anaplan Way, a methodology designed to optimise the planning, deployment, and adoption stages of Anaplan implementations. By following this approach, we reduce risks, accelerate value realisation, and ensure that the solutions we implement are robust, scalable, and closely aligned with the strategic goals of the business.

Accelerating User Adoption

The transition from traditional planning tools to Anaplan is a journey of transformation. Our consultants support this transition with bespoke training and documentation. This is tailored to the solutions we implement, the change management support and the expert advice and guidance provided throughout. It leverages our industry and use-case experience. This approach promotes user empowerment and ensures a seamless integration of Anaplan's benefits into your organisation.

Comprehensive Support and Empowerment

Our support extends beyond the implementation. We can offer in-depth training on the platform, empowering your team to fully leverage the benefits of Anaplan. Post-launch, we can provide support as your organisation adapts to the new processes and ways of working, ensuring you are well-equipped to manage your Anaplan solution effectively.

Ready to take your platform to the next level? Let our PaaS solution be the catalyst for your success. Get in touch with us today and discover how we can help you unlock the full potential of your digital ecosystem."